Our Governors

The Torfield and Saxon Mount Academy Trust (TASMAT) is governed by a Board of Directors who are supported by an Academy Advisory Board (sometimes these are known as local governing body). Our directors have a wide range of experience and skills and our Advisory Board governors include both parents / carers and school staff. Together we work in partnership with the Executive Headteacher / CEO to provide oversight, direction and to strategically develop the organisation. Our governors ensure that our school leaders and staff offer high quality education and experiences to our pupils and that resources are provided in order to deliver these.

The Board of Directors is the accountable body for schools in Torfield and Saxon Mount Academy Trust and they are responsible for setting the vision for the Trust, monitoring and hold the schools to account for educational performance and to oversee financial performance. The Academy Advisory Board supports the Board of Directors by monitoring aspects of teaching and learning and safeguarding in the schools. We are delighted that our schools are graded by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ and 'Good with Outstanding features’ and that our Trust is highly valued for its work in Hastings, St Leonards and in other parts of East Sussex. 

It is ten years since Torfield and Saxon Mount Schools converted to become a Multi Academy Trust. Converting to Academy status was a major development for our schools and was undertaken in the knowledge and conviction that this would positively impact on the education and outcomes for our pupils and this has most definitely proved to be the case. In recent years we have also worked to support other schools, most notably St Mary’s School and 6th Form College in nearby Bexhill. This is a non-maintained residential special school that supports children and students aged 5-19. We are also working with other special schools who are looking to join Torfield and Saxon Mount Academy Trust.

"This is a school where high levels of aspiration and inspiration go hand in hand. Pupils enjoy increasing success as they first settle, then move rapidly upwards and onwards…It does not matter what pupils’ background or barriers to learning are, staff want the best for everyone".

- Saxon Mount Ofsted, 2023

At the heart of TASMAT is our clear vision and outstanding senior leadership of our schools. We aim for and achieve outstanding provision by making sure we work collaboratively and positively with all of our stakeholders. The quality of teaching and learning is recognised by internal and external assessors and advisors as being at least good or outstanding and leaders strive to make further improvements year on year.

"Torfield is a school filled with high aspiration. Leaders and staff are determined that pupils develop independence and ‘tools for life’. This is to enable pupils to communicate, make choices, experience successful transitions in education and beyond, and become adults who participate in and contribute to society".

- Torfield Ofsted, 2023

"Leaders at all levels are ambitious for pupils to succeed, no matter what their learning pathways are. Outcomes at the end of Year 11 are impressive. Staff are skilled at delivering and adapting their teaching so that pupils are successful in their learning while also being challenged well". 

- Saxon mount Ofsted 2023


"Pupils love coming to Torfield School. Each day starts positively, with happy greetings between pupils and with staff, followed by breakfast served in classrooms. Pupils’ happiness and strong sense of safety are evidenced through trusting relationships, smiles and laughter. Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, learning and personal development".

- torfield Ofsted 2023


Our fantastic staff share our high expectations and aspirations and as a result many of our pupils make outstanding progress during their time with us.

Our school buildings and resources are continually being developed. Directors rigorously monitor finances and accounts to ensure that the pupils’ needs are well met within high quality appropriate environments with access to high quality resources. Visitors tell us how much they appreciate the quality of environment at our schools.

All this however could not be achieved without the care and support of parents / carers. Your interest, encouragement and support are extremely important to ensure that pupils attend well and maximise their access to the excellent opportunities offered in our schools. We value the views of parents / carers which are gathered at regular intervals throughout the year (at parent / carer evenings and Annual Review meetings etc.) as this helps us to plan and develop provision at the schools. We also value the contribution of each of our School Councils, which members of the Board of Directors attend to hear first-hand what the pupils are thinking about their schools.

As governors we regularly undertake training and development to ensure that we are well placed to make decisions when strategically planning for the future. The national and local landscape is continually changing and developing and we feel well placed to consider the further development of our Trust, with all our decisions based on enhancing the wellbeing and achievements of our pupils.

The TaSMAT governors (either as Directors or members of our Academy Advisory Board) are immensely proud of all pupils and all members of staff and all that is achieved by our schools. We will relentlessly continue to provide an outstanding educational experience at TASMAT.

Jenny Sutherland
Chair of the Board of Directors
Spring 2023

Board of Directors

Sarah Fitzjohn-Scott, Chair

Ian Kingham, Director / Finance

Jean Haigh, Director / Developments and Projects

Jeremy Moss, Director / Safeguarding

Richard Preece, Director / Executive Headteacher / CEO

Academy Advisory Board

Sarah Fitzjohn-Scott, Chair

Richard Preece, Executive Headteacher

Jeremy Moss / Safeguarding

Amanda Jagot, Headteacher, Saxon Mount (Associate Member)

John Anderson, Headteacher, Torfield (Associate Member)

Jasmine Seymour, Staff Governor

Claire Noble, Staff Governor

Mark Farris, Parent Governor

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